Tree/Shrub Fertilizing
When we think about the environment where trees naturally grow in Southwestern Ontario we think wooded lots and forests. In these areas the soil is a natural compost pile made up of leaves from the prior season and bio matter from animals and insects that is constantly being broken down and aerated by insects and the freezing and thawing cycles of the seasons. These environments are the ideal place for trees to readily find nutrients and water and to allow their roots to absorb the naturally occurring minerals in the rich soil.
Urban environments are much different. With soil compaction, water run-off instead of absorption and competition for nutrients from grasses and other plants, trees are rarely thriving in the urban environment. More often they are simply surviving. This constant burden causes trees to be more susceptible to stressors such as drought, insect damage and malnutrition leading to overall poor health and increased mortality rates.
Using eco-friendly fertilizers specially designed for trees, we inject the soil around your tree’s roots just under the root zone of your grass. This slow release fertilizer-water solution makes the nutrients more readily available to your tree throughout the growing season, while minimizing the ability of your grass to absorb the nutrients before the tree is able to.
Our high-pressure injection method provides three benefits to your trees/shrubs:
Specially formulated fertilizer is delivered directly to the root zone allowing for easy absorption
The water in the solution provides moisture directly to the root zone. This is important because in many urban landscapes, soil compaction reduces the soils natural ability to absorb water, causing more run-off than absorption.
By injecting the water-fertilizer mix with high pressure, we loosen the soil particles around the injection sites to help aerate the soil in the root zone and promote better root health and growth.
Schedule an appointment today to set up a fertilizing program for your trees, shrubs and garden beds and start getting the full potential out of your greenscapes.