Tips from an Arborist
Soil Compaction
One of the leading causes of tree distress in urban environments is soil compaction. Adding together naturally poor soil from new home construction, ground pressure from heavy riding lawn mowers and heavy foot traffic from playing children over the years and you have a recipe for impenetrable soil leading to poor root growth and decreased available soil oxygen, water and nutrient levels.
Tips for Planting New Trees
While planting trees is not a service we offer, we do see a lot of newly planted trees on client’s properties and answer even more questions about the proper way to care for them. Here are a few FAQ’s about newly planted trees to help you get yours off to a great start:
Spring Tree Checklist
Completing a quick spring tree assessment is a great practice to get into. There are three main things you want to look for that will give you a good indication of whether or not you’ll want to call a professional arborist to come and take a look.
Tree Fertilizing FAQ
Have you heard of deep root fertilizing and wondered why you would bother when your tree appears to be healthy? Or maybe you have wondered what fertilizing looks like when it comes to trees. If you have - you are not alone. There are a number of questions that come up when we talk about fertilizing and we wanted to share our responses with you.
London Veteran Tree Pilot Program
Do you have a veteran tree on your property? The City of London is offering a one-year pilot program for Veteran Trees beginning March 1, 2021. You are now able to apply for a grant for up to 25% of the cost of your tree care services this year.