Tree Maintenance
To help trees be successful, pruning is often required to maintain a tree’s optimal structure as well as safety. The arborists at Millennial Tree Care will perform pruning in accordance with the International Society of Arboriculture’s guidelines while also meeting your desired outcomes.
Some reasons a tree may require pruning are:
Structural training early in a tree’s life to promote healthy and stable branch development
Thinning of a tree’s canopy to reduce crossing or rubbing limbs and increase airflow
Removal of dead, damaged or weakly attached limbs to maintain safety
Directionally pruning trees to train them to grow away from structures such as houses, utility lines or other trees
Removing lower limbs to elevate the trees canopy for esthetics, clearance for walking, easier maintenance of landscapes or vehicle access
Sometimes trees need help maintaining a safe and healthy structure due to poorly attached limbs or weaknesses in the tree’s main stems. In this case, a thorough assessment of the tree, proper pruning and installation of additional support systems are the best course of action.
DYNAMIC CABLING - this type of cabling is our most preferred method and is used when a weak branch union that is prone to failure is identified. Unlike the traditional static steel cable technique favoured by past generations, dynamic cabling is non-invasive and allows the limb to flex with wind events but not to the point of failure. This flexibility has been proven to allow the limb to maintain its strength (similar to how our muscles only stay strong if we use them) and not grow weak by being fully supported by a static cable (similar to how we lose strength if a muscle is not used regularly).
STATIC CABLING - While the arborist industry has generally moved away from this type of system, there are situations where the installation of a static cable may be needed. In times where stem failure has already begun, a rigid cable can be installed to limit or help correct the defect. Installation of the cable will help stabilize the tree and prolong its life. However, should there be a high risk of personal injury or property damage (tree overhanging house, playground, sidewalk or street) removal of the stem may be the best course of action.
BRACING - Sometimes a threaded rod is inserted to either strengthen a weakened branch union or to prevent further cracking of a stem. Rarely is this method used by itself, but is usually accompanied by a cable system in the upper canopy to provide proper support.
Contact Millennial Tree Care today to have an arborist perform a thorough assessment of your tree and help you decide on your best course of action.